Giulia d'Addato

Giulia d'Addato

PhD Student

University of Trento

Giulia d’Addato is a Ph.D. student in Autonomous Systems at the University of Trento. Her research focuses on human-robot interaction, specifically in the area of multi-robot trajectory planning and control for cooperative tasks in dynamic environments. Currently, her work revolves around socially-aware navigation, and one of her recent projects involves the development of a hybrid model that combines nonlinear opinion dynamics and vortex fields to ensure safe and human-friendly robot navigation in complex human-populated environments. In the future, she would like to extend her research into multi-agent systems and explore how robots can influence human opinions during interaction, as well as the transition from mobile robots to more complex manipulators. Stay tuned for updates!

  • Multirobot planning and control
  • Human-Robot interaction
  • Opinion dynamics
  • PhD in Autonomous Systems, Now

    University of Trento

  • Master Degree in Control Systems Engineering, 2023

    University of Padova

  • Bachelor Degree in Information Engineering, 2021

    University of Padova
