IDRA lab open knowledge

This repository tries to condense knowledge that could be useful to everyone accessing the laboratory.

Online webpage here.

Build the documentation

To build locally the documentation it’s necessary to install sphinx for the actual generation of the HTML, the furo theme and other small extensions:

pip install sphinx furo sphinx-copybutton myst-parser

Finally to build the documentation inside the html folder

sphinx-build . html

To load the local version of the documentation open html/index.html.


These are the main topics that are covered in this repository:


The repository is organized as follows:

├── 01_ros_2
│   ├── 00_index.rst
│   ├── 01_CLI
│      └── 00_index.rst
│   └── 02_Packages
│       ├── 00_index.rst
│       ├── 01_workspace.rst
│       ├── 02_pkg_creation.rst
│       └── 03_launch_files.rst
├── 02_linux
│   ├── 00_index.rst
│   ├── 01_topic
│   └── 02_topic
├── index.rst
└── is the python script that configure sphinx for the html generation, while index.rst is the main entry point for the web page.

To add more contents, follow the presented structure where new topics are wrote into a separate folder with a 2 digit number prefix. Always provide a 00_index.rst to simplify the recursive imports.

Documentation is build in reStructured Text (documentation; even though Markdown could be used (as it can be seen in index.rst), lot of discussions points out that rST is more extensible and is more suitable for scaling project documentation. Furthermore, it is the default choice of sphinx.