IROS 2024 Abu Dhabi

Workshop and Paper presentation at IROS2024
During the IROS2024 conference some members of the IDRA-Lab had the opportunity to hold a workshop and present a paper. On the second day of conference Matteo Saveriano and Edoardo Lamon thogehter with other researchers held a workshop on Variable Impedance Learning and Control (link available here). During the workshop, several research avenues were explored, from exploratory behaviors to learning from human demonstration. The potential of recent AI methods, like large language models (LLMs), to emulate human behavior suggests that combining model-based and data-driven approaches could revolutionize robot interaction. Researchers also discussed the importance of enabling robots to ensure safety and reliability while maintaining explainability in their decisions.
On Wednesday our PhD student Luca Beber presented his paper titled Towards Robotised Palpation for Cancer Detection through Online Tissue Viscoelastic Characterisation with a Collaborative Robotic Arm where a new method to estimate the Viscoelastic properties of tissues was proposed. During the poster session, Luca had the opportunity to discuss his work with other researchers and receive feedback on his work.