ROS2 simulation interface

Coppelia does not provide a standard interface with the ROS simulator, but nodes must be programmed in the Coppelia environment to exchange data.

For this purpose, the preferred scripting language is LUA, which is faster than Python (that’s another alternative in Coppelia).

Scritps are bounded to objects in Coppelia: for this reason it is recommended to write code that belongs to the object itself, and not to the scene, so that if the entity is copied and pasted in other projects, the programmed interface is preserved.


To see the list of all available API function, look here.

Robot simulation

This is an example scritp for a kinematic simulation of a robot in Coppelia that provide a good understanding of the interface principle. Here the code will be splitted up and explained in details; the whole script can be found here.

This is a simple used-defined function that allows to initialize a table with n equal elements value; this is useful, as example, for the initialization of the joint handles or maximum joint properties

Here it is reported the initialization of main variables; q_home is the home configuration of the robot (in the joint space), while joints is is a placeholder that will contain the Coppelia handles of the joints of the robot (i.e. the joint object inside the Coppelia object tree). For sake of simplicity, the initial target is set to the home configuration, while joint limits (for both velocity, acceleration and jerk) are initialized to values that are constant for all joints.

This function is the callback from the ROS2 subscriber (that will be initialized later); it takes the desired joint configuration for the system and sets the target accordingly. The msg_received boolean flag is used to assert when a new correct message is arrived. After processing of during the actuation step of the simulation, the flag will be set to false again.

This function implements the interface with coppelia that sets the target joint configuration for the kinematic simulation of the robot. The handles are the joints that are commanded with the specified joint limits. Internally the function collects the current state of the robot (i.e. joint position and velocity) and calls the built-in sim.moveToConfig documented here.

The mov_callback function is the callback that processes the result of the sim.moveToConfig.

The sysCall_init function is the initialization function that is called automatically by Coppelia at the beginning of the simulation, thus is used to initialize different elements.

In this case a ROS2 topic subscriber and publisher are initialized; the former reads the desired joint configuration (that’s actually computer by a ROS controller) while the latter publishes the current joint configuration of the robot.

Then, the joints handler are initialized by binding the associated Coppelia objects. Furthermore, the robot is initially commanded to reach the home configuration.

The sysCall_actuation is the function that is called at each actuation step of the simulation. In this case it checks if a new target position has been received from the publisher and, if so, it calls the move_to_config function to update the simulation target state.

Finally, the sysCall_sensing function is called at each sensing step of the simulation; in this case it reads the current joint configuration and publishes it to the ROS2 topic as defined in the initialization.